by cappleby | Dec 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Roof Evaluation or Roof Estimate? Check My Roof You have a technician from a roofing company look at your roof for a few minutes and give you a price on how much repairs or replacement would cost; this is the usual getting-an-estimate route. When the contractor...
by cappleby | Dec 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Top 3 Roofing Mistakes That Can Cause Serious Problems Sometimes, the most important thing is not what you want to do. That’s one of the many things that homeowners need to keep in mind when they’re looking for roofing companies. There are so many...
by cappleby | Nov 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Roof Replacement vs Roof Repairs Everyone wants to get the best deal when doing changes to their home, and that includes how you choose to replace your roof. Many people find themselves stressed out because they do not know whether to go with a full replacement or...
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